Our Main Fundraisers
The Pledge Drive is an opportunity for you, your family, friends, and employer to help support our school without requiring any time commitment. Raising an average of $250 per student helps us assure we can maintain the goal of continuing PTC funding each year.
Additional funds are appreciated as not every family can donate.
Questions? Contact Jessy Beckett Parr at pledge@delaveagaptc.org

At our annual Walk-a-Thon, DeLaveaga recieves 100% of the money raised! Kids gather pledges from family and friends and see how many laps they can complete in the allotted time. This is a great fundraiser to participate in as you get to support and cheer on all the kids as they work hard to raise money for their school.
Contact Laina Jacobs to get involved: email

Drive For Schools
DeLaveaga participates each year in the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Drive for Schools. 100% of ticket sale money stays with Delaveaga!
Your child will come home with an envelope holding 2 booklets of tickets, tickets are $5 or the booklet of 6 for $25. You can buy these yourself, or easily sell them to your family and friends. The grand prize is usually $25,000!
Contact Linda Ritten for questions, or to get involved: email

Goodwill Truck
October & March
Here is your moment! Clean out the garage, reorganize those closets, and bring all your unwanted items down to the school. We will have a Goodwill truck parked for one weekend waiting to take all those items off your hands. Let your neighbors, friends, and family know too! We make money for every truck we fill.
Contact our Secretary Amy Thompson with any questions: email

DeLaveaga Spring Carnival occurs in May complete with a kid's raffle, school-wide raffle, and online auction. Each year the parents and teachers of our school put on an epic end of the year carnival to celebrate another completed year of school and raise money for the next year.
The Carnival is 100% parent organized and run. There are so many great ways to be involved, and no job too big or too small!
Contact the amazing Melody Hendren for more information or to get involved: email
Recurring Fundraisers
Popcorn Fridays
On scheduled Fridays we sell popcorn, check the events calendar for scheduled days.
To get involved, contact Jenna Branecki: email
Dragon Merchandise
Merch is sold usually on Popcorn Fridays and during school events, you can also special order through Spirit Hero.
Contact Bridget Olp, email
Throughout the year we partner with local restaurants to choose a date that our DeLa families can eat out and have part of the proceeds of their meal go toward PTC.
These events will be highlighted in our monthly newsletters and posted on the events page once they are scheduled.
If you have any questions, or would like to help in this area, Jacque Kerkhove, email