Frequently Used Forms
Welcome! Thanks for being a part of helping PTC!
If you're looking for a commonly used form that isn't already listed below, please send us an email so we can get that to you!
Please contact our Treasurer with any questions regarding these forms.
Check Request Form
Return to our Treasurer, with all relevant receipts.
Funding Request Form
The PTC budget is discussed and approved in the spring for the upcoming academic year. Please fill out this form to request funds for the current year that haven't already been planned for in the budget or to request funding to be included in the next year's budget.
Deposit Form
Return to our Treasurer, with all relevant documentation.
Teacher Reimbursements
Teachers: Submit check requests with receipts to the PTC Treasurer and keep track using the Supplies Spending Record.
If you have any questions about the process please read our FAQs. Any further questions can be directed to the PTC Treasurer.