February 2024
2/1 - Coffee & Community, 8 AM, Front of School
2/1 - TWI Parent Info Night, 6pm, Library
2/6 - Dine-To-Donate, Pizza My Heart, 2-9 PM
2/9 - Popcorn Friday, $1, cash only
2/13 - TWI Parent Info Night, 6pm, Library
2/15 - ELAC Meeting, 5:45 PM, Library, Guest Speaker: Gerardo Barba, "Migrant Education Project"
2/15 - PTC Meeting, 7 PM, Zoom & In-person
2/22 - Kidpower International presents "ParentPower: Positive Communication and Bullying Prevention," 6:30-7:30 PM, Zoom Call (Link will be provided).
2/23 - Popcorn Friday, $1, cash only
Principal's Corner
Hello Dragon Families,
Happy New Year! We hope you had a restful winter recess with friends and family. It’s good to be back together again.
January and February tend to be our wetter months of the rainy season, especially with an El Nino year. We appreciate your patience and awareness in and around school when it rains. Remember to give yourself a little extra time and drive with caution. If you don’t see anyone on the blacktop or kindergarten yard, it means we’re gathering inside before school starts. We gather in the MPR for 1st thru 5th grades and the Little Theater for the kindergarteners.
Planning for the 2024-25 school year is already underway! If you’re interested in our Spanish Two-Way Immersion program for next year’s kindergarteners, be sure to attend one of our Parent Info Nights in February. If you know someone who resides within our district boundaries, they can apply as well. Also, siblings of current TWI students will also need to apply. Priority Registration will be from February 18 to March 8 this year.
Finally, COVID protocols are less restrictive now. It is recommended that students who test positive isolate for five days. They may return to school if:
Symptoms are not present, or are mild and improving AND at least 24 hours passed since resolution of fever without medication.
Tests negative or symptoms have improved and/or not present.
Any kind of illness is concerning and we want to make sure children are given time to recover and prevent the spreading of viruses at school. We hope 2024 has started off well for you and wish you and your family good health!
Warmest regards,
Thien Hua - Principal
PTC Highlights
Dine-To-Donate Event:
Pizza My Heart
1116 Pacific Ave., Santa Cruz
February 6, 2 PM- 9 PM Dine-In - Order by Phone - Order Online Mention DeLaveaga and Pizza My Heart will donate 30% of sales to DeLaveaga PTC!
Online orders must be done through the Pizza My Heart Website.
Enter code for Fundraiser: veaga206
Phone: (831) 426-2511 www.pizzamyheart.com
Kidpower International:
Join the Zoom Call “ParentPower: Positive Communication and Bullying Prevention” Thursday, February 22 6:30 - 7:30pm
DeLa PTC is excited to launch the first of three seminars designed to support parents and primary caregivers in protecting and empowering our children and youth, free of charge. Please join us virtually for an hour seminar followed by a 30min Q&A.
Please note these sessions will not be recorded, so we hope you can attend.
(Zoom Link Available soon)
Save the Date - DeLaveaga Spring Carnival
The DeLaveaga Spring Carnival will be Friday, May 17 from 4-8 p.m. Join your fellow DeLaveaga families for games, food, raffles and more!
Volunteer Opportunities:
We NEED the following to make this year a success:
Immediately: Help send emails to local businesses to gather donations for the raffle & auction. It will only require about 2 hours of time and can be done from your home, at your time. Email Amy Craven at amys0917@yahoo.com to help the Auction Team.
Committee Members Needed
Volunteer Coordinator (mostly day of managing)
Games Coordinator (coordinate games, organization weeks before and day of managing)
Shadow our Operations Lead (Feb - May to learn the role, low commitment, mostly day of)
1 hour shift to sell pre-sale wristbands (2 weeks leading up to Carnival)
1 hours shift to count raffle tickets (3 Fridays leading up to Carnival)
Contact Melody at carnival@delaveagaptc.org to help make the Carnival a day to remember for our kids!
Spirit Wear
Our DeLa Dragon Wear is always available online! We just put new items up in December, go check it out!
Keep an eye out for the Lifetouch flyer for information on how to purchase your 2023-2024 yearbook. The PTC relies on donations to provide a yearbook to every student. Purchase your yearbook today and consider adding a donation to support another student's yearbook!
Get Involved
Connect with your school community, make friends, and support the education of your kids by volunteering with the PTC! Click below to learn more.
Farm Fresh to You
If you are an existing member or want to sign up as a new customer with Farm Fresh To You, you can apply our school's promotion code (DELAVAGA) to your account and our school will earn 10% back on each farm box they receive.
Do you own a local business?
If you, or another DeLaveaga parent you know, owns a local business, we would love to know! We would like to compile a list of our DeLa businesses to put on our website so we can help our community know where they can support local.
You can send any of these business names to: communications@delaveagaptc.org