March 2024
3/1 - Student Leadership Movie Night, "Luck" 6PM
3/7 - Coffee & Community, 8 AM, Front of School
3/8 - Popcorn Friday, $1, cash only
3/21 - ELAC, 5:45 PM, Zoom & In-person, guest Speaker Oscar Hernandez, Branciforte Branch Library
3/21 - PTC Meeting, 7 PM, Zoom & In-person
3/22 - Popcorn Friday, $1, cash only
3/23 & 3/24 - Goodwill Truck Fundraiser, 9am-3pm at the school, Volunteer Here
3/29 - Spirit Day, "Book Character Day"
Principal's Corner
Hello Dragon Families,
We hope your first official report card of the year was informative and helpful in reporting your child’s progress. It is important to acknowledge a student’s successes as well as supporting them with identifying and working on those areas that could use more development. Our teachers work so hard on administering assessments in groups as well as individual settings to collect “hard data” that informs what they report to you. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to your teacher or me to clarify anything.
Approaching your child’s learning from a growth perspective can also be helpful when discussing your child’s progress with them. Make sure you recognize their strengths and assets as you guide them toward working on those areas which they need more work. Everyone has a learning edge and it’s critical that we share our own with our students as we help them intentionally identify skills they need to improve.
In other news, our site bond committee recently met with our 19-Six Architectural Design firm and district facilities leadership to identify critical areas in need of improvement with regard to our facilities. Bond Measure L, which was passed in November 2022 with over 71% voter approval, will help fund future improvements to our entire roof as well as Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning in the interior learning spaces for Rooms 13-18. We understand the challenges in those areas of our school which have not been modernized and are in need of short/long-term improvements. We will continue to work with our facilities team to make it happen. We are also grateful for the recent work that has been accomplished thus far!
Warmest regards,
Thien Hua - Principal

Mark your calendars for Friday, May 17. The Carnival team is already planning for another remarkable year but we still need some help. Consider assisting in one of the following ways:
Help us by donating to the Auction! We are looking for items, art, services or experiences. Anything will help raise funds for DeLaveaga.
Committee Members Needed:
Volunteer Coordinator (mostly day of managing)
Games Coordinator (coordinate games, organization weeks before and day of managing)
Shadow our Operations Lead (Feb - May to learn the role, low commitment, mostly day of)
1 time volunteers Needed:
1 hour shift to sell pre-sale wristbands (before & after school the week of Carnival)
1 hour shift to count raffle tickets (3 Fridays leading up to Carnival)
Contact Melody at carnival@delaveagaptc.org if you have time to help in any way.
PTC Highlights

Kidpower International:
Join the Zoom Call “ParentPower: Helping Youth Take Charge of Their Mental Health” Wednesday, March 6, 6:30 - 7:30pm
DeLa PTC is excited to host this second, of three, seminars designed to support parents and primary caregivers in protecting and empowering our children and youth, free of charge. Please join us virtually for an hour seminar followed by a 30min Q&A.
Please note these sessions will not be recorded, so we hope you can attend.

Sewing in the Library!
Parents, you (and your kids) are welcome to join our every-growing group of Sewing Enthusiasts on school mornings from 8-8:25AM in the library. You are welcome to bring supplies, but we have many supplies and materials to share as well!
Contact Joe Leonard with any questions: josephleonard@sccs.net

Student Leadership is hosting Family Movie Night, "E.T.," in the cafeteria.
Friday, March 1st
Come enjoy a classic film with your loved ones, and bring your low chairs and
blankets! Movie starts @ 6pm.
*Pre-order your meal package!
*Return the bottom of the attached form & payment to the office student leadership box, by Wednesday 2/28 , to guarantee a pizza package

Walk-a-thon is coming!
Fundraising will begin Mid-March, and we will announce the date soon! So keep an eye out for the information in your Thursday Folders.

Goodwill Truck Fundraiser
MARCH 23 & 24, 9am-3pm
Mark your calendars and start saving your donations for our Goodwill Truck Fundraiser! We will receive $500 for each truck that we are able to fill. Please be sure to share with your friends, family, and neighbors as well!
A PARENT VOLUNTEER must be on site the whole time. An employee from Goodwill will be there to accept donations, so you don't have to do anything but greet people and provide directions to the restroom for the Goodwill employee (if needed). Bring a chair, your coffee, and a book and enjoy the downtime!
Please sign up for a 2-hour shift HERE if you can assist this fundraiser providing 100% of proceeds to our school.
ITEMS NOT ACCEPTED GOODWILL FUNDRAISERS: Mattresses, box springs, futons, bed pillows, large appliances, BBQs, large exercise equipment (bikes, treadmills, etc.), furniture (sofas, dressers, chairs and tables), cribs and baby items.
Questions? Please email Amy Thompson at secretary@delaveagaptc.org

Sign up for the 2024 Season of Girls On The Run (GOTR) 2024
Our program is designed to inspire girls of all abilities to recognize and embrace their inner strength!
Dates and Times:
Mondays, 2:45pm-4:15pm
Wednesdays, 12:50pm-2:20pm
Our GOTR 2024 season will start the week of March 4th and finish with celebratory 5K race on May 18th.
Location: Delaveaga Elementary basketball courts
Cost: $260 (registration includes t-shirt, GOTR journal, and 5K registration and finisher's medal)
Registration: https://www.gotrsv.org/
Financial assistance is available and no participant has ever been turned away for inability to pay.
Questions? Please feel free to contact Coach Cecile at coffywoman@gmail.com or 831-515-8346.

NEW! Shop Local at DeLaveaga Parent-Owned Businesses!
If you, or another DeLaveaga parent you know, owns a local business, we would love to know! We have compiled a list of our DeLa businesses to put on our website so we can help our community know where they can support local.
You can send any of these business names to: communications@delaveagaptc.org
Spirit Wear
Our DeLa Dragon Wear is always available online!

Order your yearbook today! The PTC relies on donations to provide a yearbook to every student. Purchase your yearbook today and consider adding a donation to support another student's yearbook! To purchase online click the link below; for cash or check purchases order forms can be found in the front office.
Get Involved
Connect with your school community, make friends, and support the education of your kids by volunteering with the PTC! Click below to learn more.

If you are an existing member or want to sign up as a new customer with Farm Fresh To You, you can apply our school's promotion code (DELAVAGA) to your account and our school will earn 10% back on each farm box they receive.