May 2024
4/25 - Carnival Raffle tickets go out in Thursday folders
5/2 - Coffee & Community, 8AM, Front of School
5/6-5/10 - Teacher Appreciation Week, more info to come!
5/10 - Popcorn Friday, $1, cash only
5/10-5/15 - Carnival Auction Open! Link to come!
5/17 - Spring Carnival, 4-8 PM
5/23 - Lost & Found Sale, 2:30PM, in front of school
5/23 - PTC Meeting, 7 PM, Zoom & In-person
5/24 - Spirit Day, "Be a Dragon"(Wear your school colors, or dress like a dragon)
5/30 - Popcorn Friday, $1, cash only
Principal's Corner
Hello Dragon Families,
Our May newsletter brings an opportunity to reflect on the school year and recognize all that we’ve done since August 2023. This has been a year where we can celebrate how far we’ve come since the pandemic of 2019. It has also been a year about putting all the pieces together as we envision how our children should experience school moving forward. Thank you for being with us, and we’ve come to realize how much we need each other!
It was great to see how excited our Dragons were to experience field trips again! With your help, students went as far away as Oakland and as near as Henry Cowell State Park. We had a school bus available to take us on many of those excursions. Of course, none of these things could happen without the support of our parent chaperones. Thanks so much for being there for our Dragons!
Many thanks to our English Learner Advisory Committee and the Parent Teacher Club who have collaborated tirelessly together this year. Working together, you’ve helped us plan new, fun initiatives which have served to enrich our student experience - assemblies, the Walkathon, and so much more. Dance classes were expanded so that all grade levels could participate. We have planned Dia del Nino, a celebration for children on April 27th!
Finally, I’d like to invite all our volunteers to our annual Volunteer Tea at 1:00pm on May 8th in our Life Lab. This is our staff’s opportunity to thank all of the parent volunteers who have volunteered in the classroom, on field trips, and at many of our special events. We look forward to serving you this time around!
With gratitude,
Thien Hua - Principal

Friday, May 17
Wow, can you believe it's almost the Carnival already? Is it in your calendar? Have you considered inviting other friends that are not from DeLaveaga? It's a community event and we'd love to see more friends and family this year! We still have a few positions available that we desperately need some help with on the Carnival Committee:
Shadow the Operations Lead (day of commitment) and take on the role next year. This position only involves a few hours (from home) leading up to the Carnival. Don't have that much time to give, but want to help? This role could be for you!
Shadow the Grill Master (day of commitment) and take on the role next year, which is only a 1-day commitment! This is the easiest commitment you'll ever make! Maybe a few parents want to do this together - great opportunity to hang out and volunteer at the same time!
Games Lead, this year we've had no one volunteer to take over this role, so it's fallen on the committee who already have busy schedules. Please consider stepping in to help this year to test it out. This will entail arriving a few hours early to meet the vendors, checking in on the game booths throughout the night and helping take down the game booths. Please consider helping and being part of the team (yes, I'm talking to you ).
Conductor de Recolección/Entrega: Necesitamos de 1 a 2 personas para recoger en Costco dos veces durante el evento (aproximadamente a las 4 p. m. y a las 5:30 p. m.). ¡Este es un trabajo fácil y ayudará enormemente al equipo! Por favor, consideren ofrecerse como voluntarios.
Booth Sign-ups
If you haven't already done so, bite the bullet and sign-up for your classroom booth shift right now! It's just 1- hour and it'll help keep the games running throughout the night (and means less emails reminding everyone to sign-up ). We rely on parents to help make this Carnival a success, so Sign-up now by scrolling down to find your teacher's name and signing up for one of the shifts. Don't forget to mark your calendars!
Auction / Raffle
Thanks to everyone in our community that donated to the Auction/Raffle! We greatly appreciate it. Raffle Tickets will be going home with students on Thursday, April 25. You'll have 3 weeks to sell tickets to family & neighbors! The Raffle will take place at the Carnival. The Online Auction is Friday, May 10 - Wednesday, May 15. We have some amazing adventures, gift cards, restaurants & experiences to bid on this year, so be on the lookout for emails leading up to the Auction, so you can be ready to jump on line and place your bid!
Contact Melody at Carnival@delaveaga.org if you have questions or if you can help in any way!

A big THANK YOU to our 2023-2024 PTC Board and Parent Volunteers!! Thank you for all the work you put in to bring our school community together and raise funds to enrich our kids' education experience here at DeLaveaga.

PTC OPENING: Our Communications role will be opening up for next year. This is a fun and pivotal role! If you are interested, please reach out to Lindsay: communications@delaveagaptc.org
PTC Highlights

Thank you to all the parent volunteers who braved the rain and came out to help and cheer the kids at our annual Walk a Thon! Special thanks to Kim Hall, Dan Fallstrom and Laina Jacobs for organizing this fun event. We raised $11,849! It's not too late to donate if you haven't done so! Please donate here: Donate Online

Día Mundial Del Niño
Join us this Saturday to celebrate our kids!
If you would like to sign-up to help at this event, please fill out and turn in this form:

Lost & Found Sale
When: Thursday, May 23 at 2:30 pm
Where: In front of the school
Coats $2 / all other items $1
Visit the Lost & Found to claim your items before May 23!

Sign up for this year's She.Is.Beautiful "Santa Cruz County School Challenge" 5k and 10k race. All genders, ages and ability levels (including a stroller division) are invited to come together to celebrate the joy of health and community! The event will take place on Saturday May 11th.
Register at www.runsheisbeautiful.com. All children except those riding in a stroller need their own registration. In the registration process join "Team DeLaveaga." If you have already registered for the race, please email Sara at sara@runsheisbeautiful.com to be added to Team DeLaveaga.

NEW! Shop Local at DeLaveaga Parent-Owned Businesses!
If you, or another DeLaveaga parent you know, owns a local business, we would love to know! We have compiled a list of our DeLa businesses to put on our website so we can help our community know where they can support local.
You can send any of these business names to: communications@delaveagaptc.org
Spirit Wear
Our DeLa Dragon Wear is always available online!
Get Involved
Connect with your school community, make friends, and support the education of your kids by volunteering with the PTC! Click below to learn more.

If you are an existing member or want to sign up as a new customer with Farm Fresh To You, you can apply our school's promotion code (DELAVAGA) to your account and our school will earn 10% back on each farm box they receive.