October 2023
9/28 - Picture Day at School
9/29-10/18 - Drive For Schools Fundraiser
9/30-10/1 - Goodwill Truck Fundraiser (VOLUNTEERS STILL NEEDED!)
10/5 - Coffee & Community, 8-9am
10/12 - Walk and Roll to School, 7:45am-8:30am
10/12 - PTC Meeting 7pm, Zoom & Hybrid (DeLa Library)
10/13 - Popcorn Friday, $1 (Cash only)
10/27 - Popcorn Friday, $1 (Cash only)
10/30-11/3 - Spanish Book Fair
11/2 - Dia de los muertos celebration night, 5:30pm-7:30pm
Principal's Corner
Hello Dragon Families,
At the end of each year, about 20% of our students leave to go to middle school. This means that in any given year, about one in five students is new to DeLaveaga. Oftentimes, their families are new to our school too!
That’s why it is critically important to our community to spend the first months of school getting to know each other and begin building those relationships that will carry us through our years of schooling. We are grateful to have offered our TK/Kindergarten Open House before school started, student assemblies, Back To School Night, and so much more in the coming months. By the time you have read this message, our PTC would have hosted our PTC Picnic on the back lawn. We’re also looking forward to a movie night in November.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are also being held during late October. This is where our staff will share with you how well they know your child - academically and socially. Our teachers will be preparing for these conferences with great care. In order to give them time to prepare, there will be no school on October 19th and 20th.
Our Dragons will continue to recognize and celebrate the Dragon Way - Being Respectful, Being Responsible, and Being Safe. We ask that you help us model these values in your interactions with your child and be explicit about pointing out their behaviors when they are respectful, responsible, and safe. When they see you practicing the Dragon Way, it could also be a powerful opportunity to help them learn and be safe! We look forward to getting to know you at school and we hope you’ll find ways to strengthen your relationships with each other as well.
With gratitude,
Thien Hua - Principal
PTC Highlights

Drive for Schools is an amazing fundraising opportunity for our school! The Santa Cruz Boardwalk puts up a grand prize of $25,000 along with hundreds of other prizes, and they even print the tickets. This means that every dollar we collect through DFS directly helps our school. Teachers will be giving out 2 ticket booklets in a return envelope to be taken home on September 29th. Tickets are sold for $5 each or $25 for the booklet of 6 tickets. It is simple to sell to your neighbors, family, and friends.
Who doesn't want to help Delaveaga and have a chance to win $25,000? All sold and unsold tickets need to be returned to the office or classroom by Oct 18th. Extra ticket booklets are available in the office. The class Tk-2 and 3-5 that sells the most tickets wins a pizza party!
Questions? Contact Mary Lieby, mary@thenook.us

October PTC Meeting
Our Next PTC Meeting will be on
October 12, 7pm both in-person at the DeLaveaga Library and on Zoom.

Walk and Roll to School
Please join us on Oct 12th for our Rock and Roll to school event. Walk, scooter, bike, or skate to school and enjoy a delicious snack between 7:45 and 8:30. Not only is it a fun and healthy way to get to school, students will be entered in a drawing to win fun prizes! Go Dragons!

Pledge Drive
The Pledge Drive has officially wrapped! Thank you all for your generous donations! We raised about $50,627.45
This donor box link will remain live, donations will continue to be accepted.

Stoke Out Holiday Event
A partnership with Hope Church Soquel to provide shoes and sweatshirts to elementary school kids in need in our community.
:: Buy a Sweatshirt ::
Give a Sweatshirt + Shoes!
Dragon Wear is still for sale!
You can still purchase your Dragon Wear online and ship directly to your home!
Get Involved
Connect with your school community, make friends, and support the education of your kids by volunteering with the PTC! Click below to learn more.
Volunteer Needs:
Goodwill Truck Fundraiser:
We must also have a PARENT VOLUNTEER on hand during the fundraiser. This shifts are as follows on both Saturday September 30 and Sunday October 1:
An employee from Goodwill will be there to accept donations, so you don't have to do anything but greet people. Bring a chair, your coffee, a book and enjoy the downtime!
Please sign up for a 2-hour shift if you have time to spare to assist at this fundraiser providing 100% of proceeds to our school.

Farm Fresh to You
If you are an existing member or want to sign up as a new customer with Farm Fresh To You, you can apply our school's promotion code (DELAVAGA) to your account and our school will earn 10% back on each farm box they receive.
Do you own a local business?
If you, or another DeLaveaga parent you know, owns a local business, we would love to know! We would like to compile a list of our DeLa businesses to put on our website so we can help our community know where they can support local.
You can send any of these business names to: communications@delaveagaptc.org