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PTC NEWS - September 2023

Writer's picture: Lindsay BrownLindsay Brown

September 2023

We have a lot planned for this month!

  • 8/22-9/19 - Pledge Drive Fundraiser

  • 9/7 - Coffee & Community, 8-9am, In front of School

  • 9/8 - Staff Appreciation Breakfast (Volunteers needed, more info listed in the "Get Involved" section at the bottom)

  • 9/8 - Popcorn Friday after school, now $1

  • 9/12 - Dine-To-Donate at Woodstocks downtown, 12pm-8pm

  • 9/21 - PTC Meeting 7pm, Zoom & Hybrid (DeLa Library)

  • 9/22 - Popcorn Friday after school, now $1

  • 9/22 - Picnic at DeLa, 5-8pm

  • 9/29-10/18 - Drive For Schools Fundraiser (more Details to come)

  • 9/30-10/1 - Goodwill Truck Fundraiser (more details to come)


Principal's Corner

Hello Dragon Families,

As we wrap up the first month of school, thanks for coming to Back To School Night, supporting our teachers, and learning about our programs. We are grateful that over 70 parents registered for background checks to volunteer as field trip chaperones during BTSN. Many of those parents also pursued getting our highest level of clearance by also filling out additional forms to register as potential field trip drivers. We recognize this requires an ample amount of paperwork and we thank you for taking the time to complete those requirements!

Our PTC Pledge Drive also began last week. Your direct donations go directly to the PTC to support many important programs. Some of these include offering more enrichment opportunities for students to learn in LifeLab, participate in student assemblies, get tutoring support from our paraeducators, increase access to the library, and improve the recess experience for our students. Your donations also promote after school community experiences like movie night, picnics, and of course, the Spring Carnival.

As a community and a school, we appreciate your support of what we do for our Dragons.

With gratitude,

Thien Hua - Principal


PTC Highlights

PTC Meeting

Our Next PTC Meeting will be on September 21, 7pm both in-person at the DeLaveaga Library and on Zoom.

Dragon Wear Flash Sale is Over!

...You can still purchase your Dragon Gear at Spirit Hero all year round. If you purchased during the flash sale, the order will be arriving in 3-6 weeks and sent home with your child.

Pledge Drive

August 22 - September 19 The Pledge Drive continues and you can still make your donations.

Any donation helps!

Dine-To-Donate @
Downtown Woodstocks

Mention this fundraiser while ordering and up to 25% of your sale goes to DeLaveaga Elementary School

Coffee & Community
September 7, 8-9am

On the first Thursday of each month our PTC will be out front of the school from 8-9am with free coffee. This is a time to get to know other parents in the school and bring any questions about PTC--and BONUS, a cup of free coffee!

Popcorn Fridays are back!
September 8, after school

Every 2nd & 4th Friday of the month will be Popcorn Friday. $1 per bag.

Farm Fresh to You

If you are an existing member or want to sign up as a new customer with Farm Fresh To You, you can apply our school's promotion code (DELAVAGA) to your account and our school will earn 10% back on each farm box they receive.

Picnic at DeLa
September 22, 5-8pm

Pack up a picnic dinner and join us behind the school for music, lawn games, play, and most importantly time together.

Please note that children must be accompanied by an adult at this event.

A HUGE thank you to our previous president Carolina Castillo. We value the time she gave to help make our school the great place that it is! We'll miss Carolina on PTC!


Important News

It is with very heavy hearts that we share the news that a parent in our DeLa Community has passed away. Aaron Cole, father of two boys--one still attending DeLaveaga and another now at Branciforte--passed away recently. His family has set up a GoFundMe page to help his wife and boys. If you would like to contribute, please click on the button below.

To the Cole Family, our deepest sympathies, prayers, and thoughts are with you


A Note from our Health Clerk:

Welcome back De Laveaga families! My name is Jackie Bennett, and I am starting my 7th year as the Health Clerk here at De Laveaga. I have 2 kids in the district, and we are excited to start the school year and get back into the swing of things. Here are a few reminders and info:

-If your student has any health concerns that we should be aware of, please reach out to me.

-If your student is out sick, please remember to excuse their absence each day with the front office.

-Please keep your child home if they have fever, vomiting or diarrhea - they should be symptom free for 24 hours to return to school.

Feel free to reach out to me with any health related questions or concerns.

Jackie Bennett

Health Clerk

Phone: (831) 429-3807 Ext 56304

Hours: M/T/TH/F: 10am-1pm W: 9:30am-12:30pm


Do you own a local business?

If you, or another DeLaveaga parent you know, owns a local business, we would love to know! We would like to compile a list of our DeLa businesses to put on our website so we can help our community know where they can support local.

You can send any of these business names to:



Get Involved

Connect with your school community, make friends, and support the education of your kids by volunteering with the PTC! Click below to learn more. 

Volunteer Needs:

Drive for Schools Assistant

This Fundraiser operates yearly in September/October. Our current Lead, Mary Lieby, will be finishing our her time at DeLaveaga this year. She is looking for someone to assist her with the intention of carrying this on in the following years. Please contact Mary if you're interested.

Staff Appreciation Breakfast Volunteers

We LOVE to appreciate our DeLaveaga staff. A few times a year we like to make or cater a meal for them. This month we will be serving a breakfast, set-up will be before school. If you would like to help, please contact Kim Hall

Santa Cruz Parks and Recreation

Take advantage of these Santa Cruz Parks and Recreation after-school programs being hosted at DeLaveaga this fall! Click Here to view the full guide.

Follow Us On Instagram @delaveagasc 


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